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April 20 - Proverbs 20

By Pastor Scott

The lazy man will not plow because of winter; He will beg during harvest and have nothing. (Proverbs 20:4 NKJV)

As you may have noticed, the Proverbs have a lot to say about the lazy man. In the Middle East the season for ploughing is in the winter. Ploughing is the toughest part of the process of agriculture. It has no instant satisfaction like the harvest does. The lazy man or sluggard (in some versions), does not want to plough - because he cannot see past the nose on his face when it comes to the future.

I think Solomon uses this analogy because it is obviously so dumb to miss the process of ploughing in agricultural terms. But applying this to other things in our life, we can be just as foolish in not tending to those things which are important for our livelihoods. It could be a literal interpretation of this Proverb suggesting we are not working enough to provide for our physical needs, but it could also be applied in areas like investing in our relationships, working to build a better marriage or raising our kids in the ways of the Lord. It could also be thought of in a spiritual sense.

Let’s think about it in a spiritual sense. If we have neglected our walk with God and not been feeding in the Word daily and seeking to serve Him, then we too might find our lives coming to a place of unfruitfulness.

Romans says:

Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;

Romans 12:11 KJV

Planning and preparation for the future provision is something that God encourages. Let’s think and pray about any areas that we have become complacent in and seek to change it into fruitfulness.

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